


At the International Institute of Translational Medicine, we use innovative technologies in molecular biology and genetics. One of such technologies is the use of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in both diagnostic testing and the development of therapeutics. The use of RNA in diagnostic tests, such as PCR-based tests, makes it possible to detect pathogens in patients’ system. In addition, RNA-based therapies, including miRNAs (microRNAs), are providing new treatment possibilities for conditions that were previously considered non-treatable.

miRNA molecules are a diverse group of short, non-coding fragments of RNA sequences that play a vital role in the regulation of gene expression, thereby controlling numerous biological processes in cells. The use of miRNAs enables precise and selective action so that the efficacy of the product is maximized and potential side effects are minimized. Using miRNAs, we are able to create a therapeutic that acts directly on the source of the pathological process without affecting healthy tissues. MicroRNAs, short non-coding RNA molecules, have been found to have a positive impact on the health of horses, dogs, and cats.

International Institute of Translational Medicine is a leading research center in Poland focused on studying non-coding RNA as molecules that, as a feed additive could have a positive impact on reduction of symptoms of various diseases in animals such as horses, dogs, and cats.

Studies have revealed that specific microRNAs are responsible for enhancing muscle growth and reducing muscle wasting in horses. They also play a role in regulating the immune system, helping horses fight off infections and diseases. Furthermore, there was a link found between microRNAs and metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, where they can modulate insulin signaling pathways, leading to improved glucose metabolism.

In dogs miRNAs have been found to regulate bone development and regeneration, aiding in the healing of fractures and injuries. MicroRNAs also play a role in controlling inflammation and immune response, helping dogs combat infections and autoimmune diseases. Additionally, specific microRNAs have been associated with certain types of cancer, offering potential for early detection and targeted therapies.

In cats, microRNAs have been studied in the context of viral infections, specifically feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV). These microRNAs have shown to have an antiviral effect, by targeting and suppressing viral replication. In addition, microRNAs have been linked to kidney diseases in cats, where their dysregulation can contribute to the progression of renal damage.



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The Institute is implementing a project aimed at obtaining an innovative formula based on a carrier (polymeric/phospholipid or mixed) that will effectively protect miRNA molecules from the unfavorable stomach pH and allow delivery of miRNA molecules to the colon for stimulation of epithelial cells and gut microbiota. Confirmation of the clinical efficacy of the formulation will be achieved through alleviation of EMS symptoms at the systemic and molecular levels, including reduction in basal insulin and glucose levels, as well as decrease in pro-inflammatory protein levels and modulation of the insulin pathway.