



Rozwijane przez nas terapie już od samego początku bazują na współpracy naukowców z klinicystami, wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom współczesnej weterynarii. Dzięki temu, opracowane przez nas technologie dopasowujemy do potrzeb lekarza prowadzącego i jego pacjentów. Postulujemy stworzenie terapii „sztych na miarę” pacjenta, w pełni przystosowanych do gatunku, wieku i kondycji leczonego zwierzęcia. Swoim doświadczeniem klinicznym, w przypadku leczenia nefrologicznego, Instytut wspiera lek. wet. Magdalena Kraińska.

lek. wet. Magdalena Kraińska

A graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in 2012. PhD student at the First Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw at the Department of General and Transplant Surgery. He consults nephrological and urological patients from all over the country, qualifies and performs hemodialysis procedures in dogs and cats, is a co-creator of a modern dialysis station for animals at the 24-hour Veterinary Clinic “Puławska” in Warsaw. She is a co-author and co-organizer of the first Practical Nephrology Workshops for veterinarians in Poland, a lecturer at numerous conferences in Poland and abroad, the author of articles published in specialist veterinary press and a member of the European Society of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology (ESVNU). In 2020, she began studying surgery at the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS) in Luxembourg. He is of particular interest in acute kidney injury, vascular and transplant surgery, and renal replacement therapy methods. Leader of the “Nefro-Regen” consortium consisting of scientists from the International Institute of Translational Medicine (MIMT), the National Medicines Institute (NIL) and the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw, whose research was sponsored by the Director of the National Medicines Institute (NIL) in Warsaw.